To accurately report sales within UQ Cadence, products need to be categorized in commonly accepted industry terms. You will find different levels of categorization depending on the product's Primary Category. This article discusses Socks.
This category includes socks that may have additional features and benefits to the customer, for example compressive or padded sections to ease the pain of plantar fasciitis or bunions. However, if the primary function of a sock is to provide compression or bracing, those products will appear in UQ Cadence reports within the primary category of Injury Prevention/Recovery.
Information regarding other Primary Categories can be found here:
- Footwear Categorization
- Apparel Categorization
- Injury Prevention & Recovery Categorization
- Other Product Categorization
Primary Category
At the highest level, every product's primary category is defined: Socks, Apparel, Footwear, etc...
Family (or Sock Height)
To get the best comparison between comparable products, socks are then categorized by their height or cut, which is labeled as Family through all UQ Cadence reports. Those families include:
- Crew
- Hidden/No Show
- Knee High (includes Over-the-calf)
- Low
- Mini-Crew
- Quarter
Once defined in a Family, products are then identified by their gender.
- Gender Neutral
- Men's
- Women's
- Youth (includes girl, boy, toddler, and infant styles)
EXAMPLE: OS1st Plantar Fasciitis No Show
- Brand = OS1st
- Category = Socks
- Family = No Show
- Gender = Gender Neutral
If you want to dive deeper into industry data for OS1st Gender Neutral Plantar Fasciitis socks, in the Socks Industry Pulse report, set your Brand, Sock Height, and Gender filters like this:
NOTE: Any products marked Unknown are those that were sold without scanning a brand specific UPC or haven't been connected to a specific brand within UQ Cadence. Please report any necessary updates to
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