Benchmarks is an exclusive report for active RIA members. It provides key benchmarks and trends for run specialty as a whole for the previous week compared to the same period last year. In-store and online sales are reflected in this report. Benchmarks does not include returns or third-party marketplace transactions, e.g., Amazon.
All comparisons are to the same time period last year.
The Benchmarks report is also emailed to RIA members every Monday for a quick view of the industry figures and as a reminder to log into UQ Cadence in for more detailed metrics. If you no longer have access to the Benchmarks report, please contact the RIA regarding your membership status.
There are 5 tabs to the Benchmarks report, accessible at the bottom of the page.
Top Performance Metrics
Transactions and Revenue
- The Transactions and Revenue metrics indicate if the market is up or down, compared to the same period last year, which accounts for seasonality.
- Limited to sales transactions that exclude returns.
- Retailers will see their store's performance vs. LY on the left, represented as "Me," and the industry's performance vs. LY on the right, represented as "Industry." If your store's results show +0.00%, your LY data is not being captured in UQ Cadence.
(Transactions This Period - Transactions Last Year) / Transactions Same Time Period Last Year
(Revenue This Period - Revenue Last Year) / Revenue Same Time Period Last Year
Floor Performance
Average Units and Transaction
- Average Units reflect the average number of items sold in a transaction for the time period compared to the same period last year, across all categories.
- Average Transaction Value represents the average revenue of your transactions in the time period compared to the same period last year.
- Retailers, if your store's results show an increase percentage of Infinity, your LY data is not being captured in UQ Cadence.
- Limited to sales transactions that exclude returns. Gift cards and memberships are also not included.
Total Units sold in period / Total Number of Transactions
Total Revenue in Period / Total Number of Transactions
Shoe-to-Sock Fitting Ratio
- Shoe-to-Sock Fitting Ratio is transaction based and indicates the overall quality of the sales effort and rapport-building by staff.
- This is the percent of shoe transactions where socks and shoes were sold on the same ticket compared to the same period last year. This is a yes-or-no question: Selling any combination of shoes and socks in the same transaction as a yes.
- Retailers, if your store's results and your increase percentage are identical, your LY data is not being captured in UQ Cadence.
- “Shoes” excludes sandals and spikes.
- "Socks" excludes medical grade compression and recovery socks.
- Shoe transactions are sales transactions that include at least one pair of shoes and exclude returns. Excludes all online sales.
Number of Shoe Transactions including 1 or more Socks / Total Number of Shoe Transactions
Shoe-to-Insole Fitting Ratio
- The Shoe-to-Insole Fitting Ratio is transaction based and indicates the overall quality of the sales effort and rapport-building by staff.
- This is the percent of shoe transactions where insoles were sold on the same ticket compared to the same period last year. This is a yes-or-no question: Selling and combination of shoes and insoles in the same transaction counts as a yes.
- Retailers, if your store's results and your increase percentage are identical, your LY data is not being captured in UQ Cadence.
- “Shoes” excludes sandals and spikes.
- Shoe transactions are sales transactions that include at least one pair of shoes and exclude returns. Excludes all online sales.
Number of Shoe Transactions including 1 or more Insoles / Total Number of Shoe Transactions
Sock Unit Ratio
- Sock Unit Ratio is unit based and indicates the overall popularity of the sock category, relative to shoe sales.
- Sock Unit Ratio is the total number of sock units sold over the total number of shoe units sold compared to the same period last year.
- Retailers, if your store's results and your increase percentage are identical, your LY data is not being captured in UQ Cadence.
- “Shoes” excludes sandals and spikes.
- "Socks" excludes medical grade compression and recovery socks.
- Unlike the Fitting Ratios, Sock and Shoe unit counts here are net, including sales and returns. Excludes all online sales.
Number of net Sock Units / Number of net Shoe Units
Insole Unit Ratio
- Insole Unit Ratio is unit based and indicates the overall popularity of the insole category, relative to shoe sales.
- Insole Unit Ratio is the number of insole units sold over the number of shoe units sold compared to the same period last year.
- Retailers, if your store's results and your increase percentage are identical, your LY data is not being captured in UQ Cadence.
- “Shoes” excludes sandals and spikes.
- Unlike the Fitting Ratios, Insole and Shoe unit counts here are net, including sales and returns. Excludes all online sales.
Number of net Insole Units / Number of net Shoe Units
Customer Benchmarks
- Customer Benchmarks reveals the New or Returning customers to Run Specialty retail compared to the same period last year. Only email or phone unique customer identifiers determine new or repeat customers. The name is not used.
- Anonymous represents transactions where there is no customer identification.
- The lookback period for repeat customers is two years (after this they become "new" again).
- Retailers, if your store's results and your increase percentage are identical, your LY data is not being captured in UQ Cadence.
- Limited to sales transactions that exclude returns.
New = New Customer Count / (New + Repeat + Anonymous Customers Counts)
Anonymous = Anonymous Customer Count / (New + Repeat + Anonymous Customers Counts)
Returning = Repeat Customer Count / (New + Repeat + Anonymous Customers Counts)
Email Capture Rate
- Email Capture Rate provides a measure of the potential reach of email marketing campaigns. This is a leading measure of loyalty since it's captured in anticipation of more interactions with the retailer.
- This is the number of transactions with a valid email attached to it, compared to the total number of transactions, compared to the same period last year.
- Includes more than just newly acquired email addresses. If an existing customer in your database already has an email attached from an earlier purchase, they would be counted as a "Yes" for email capture if they bought again today. Invalid text in the email field ("declined to give") are counted as a "No" in the calculation.
- Retailers, if your store's results and your increase percentage are identical, your LY data is not being captured in UQ Cadence.
- Limited to sales transactions that exclude returns.
Number of Transactions with Valid Email / Number of Total Transactions
Days Between Transactions
- Average Days Between Transactions represents the number of days between the current transaction in the period measured, and the most recent prior transaction from the same customer.
- Includes only repeat customers with 2 or more transactions.
- Retailers, if your store's results show an increase percentage of Infinity, your LY data is not being captured in UQ Cadence.
- Limited to sales transactions that exclude returns.
Total Sum of Days Between Customer Transactions / Number Repeat Customers
Online Sales
Transactions and Revenue
- % Online Transactions indicates transaction split between online and in-store transactions compared to the same period last year.
- % Online Revenue indicates revenue split between online and in-store transactions compared to the same period last year.
- Only reflects those retailers who share both in-store and online sales.
- Retailers, if your store's results and your increase percentage are identical, your LY data is not being captured in UQ Cadence.
- Limited to sales transactions that exclude returns.
Number of Online Transactions / (Number of Online + Number Retail Transactions)
Online Revenue / (Online Revenue + In-store Revenue)
Returns Benchmarks
- Return Percent of Revenue is the percent of total sales revenue represented by the value of returns compared to the same period last year.
- Sales revenue includes all dollars earned over the period, while return revenue is the value of transaction reversals over the period.
- The original purchase transaction for returns may have occurred in a prior period.
- Retailers, if your store's results and your increase percentage are identical, your LY data is not being captured in UQ Cadence.
Total Returns Dollars / Total Sales Dollars
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